New York is the heart of the United States market and the place that can guarantee the success of a fashion label or a wine territory. It is the place where two of Italy’s iconic wines - Brunello di Montalcino and Chianti Classic - have decided to restart, after two years of Pandemic, shaking off the dust from the unused calendar of promotion for Italian productions around the world. It is also here, in an iconic place like Times Square, on one of the mega screens that have characterized the busy square since 1904, specifically the Crown Digital, that Prosecco was the big star for a few days, presenting three videos dedicated to Prosecco and Prosecco Rosé.
There are some clips of “Lightness That Inspires”, made by Carlo Guttadauro, the super short presented at the last Venice Film Festival, which is continuing to obtain numerous prestigious awards all over the world, including the USA, at the New York International Film Awards - NYIFA and the Vegas Movie Awards. Next, there are several frames of the commercial that the Consortium dedicated to Prosecco Doc Rosé. Finally, time-wise, the fashion movie, “The Italian Genio”, the film directed by photographer Wayne Maser, created by Tuorlo Magazine using emotional languages typical in the worlds of fashion and lifestyle. An excerpt of the film was auctioned at Christie's in the form of NFT, and a work of crypto art that brought Digital Art to the wine world for the first time, are among the most outstanding prizes at the Oniros Film Awards in New York, and the Global Film Festival Awards in Los Angeles. The visual medley combines different styles of direction for different approaches that have the same goal. That is to say, to narrate, through ingenious use of images, the denomination that in people’s imaginations is first of all a sparkling wine. Instead, for those who love and know it, it embodies the beauty of the landscape, the knowledge of its ancestors, the talent of new generations, and dedication to work combined with the pleasure of conviviality.
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