Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

San Gervasio, 373 hectares (15 planted with vines) acquired by Fattoria Villa Saletta

The British Hands family, active in high finance and luxury hotels, which has already invested 250 million euros in wine, grows further

Investments in the world of wine do not only run between the rows of the most renowned territories, such as the Langhe, Montalcino or Bolgheri, where the quotations of a hectare planted with vines now reach astronomical figures, more and more often exceeding one million euros. On the contrary, the wine sector, able to grow steadily, and to react resiliently to any crisis, is now able to attract interest almost everywhere, starting, of course, with Tuscany, where San Gervasio, 373 hectares, in the province of Pisa, and among the landmark estates of the area, consisting of a small ancient village, rural buildings, warehouses, winery, 15 hectares of vineyard some 30 hectares of olive grove, numerous woods, orchards and arable land, until yesterday owned by the Tommasini family of Pontedera, has been purchased by Fattoria Villa Saletta, a Palaia-based company since 2001 owned by the English Hands family, active in the world of high finance and luxury hoteliers (which has already invested 250 million euros in wine), which thus comes to an extension of 1. 090 hectares, about 50 of which are vineyards, 34 of which have already been planted (18 in production). “There are many things that Villa Saletta’s land has in common with that of San Gervasio, such as excellent soil suitable for viticulture, olive growing and cultivation in general, and it was this reason, in addition to proximity, that prompted us to purchase it”, comments David Landini, Villa Saletta administrator and technical director. “We will expand and replant vineyards, for a maximum, we believe, of 15 hectares, that is, those that currently, without yet zoning the land, we think are the most suited to carry on quality wine production as we are doing at Villa Saletta. We will also take care of the fertile land, where we will continue to carry on the cultivation of arable crops and more, and also of the woods, for us a firm point for a virtuous ecosystem”.

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