Young people favored Covid-19 themed satire, while the most popular subject for the over 35s was aged wines. These were the best, and above all, most biting satirical cartoons on the topics of wine and current affairs. The winners of “Spirito di Vino 2021”( spirit of wine), the historic and one of a kind, International contest promoted by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Wine Tourism Movement are: “Red Pass” by the Italian, Stefano Dorigo (first place), “Inspiration diVina” by the Italian, Malika Romanova (second place) and “Divine Moment” by the Russian, Anya Kuzai (third place), for the under 35 year-old section; “Grande Riserva” by the Spaniard, Manuel Arriaga (first place), followed by “Abbiamo sete” by the Italian, Franco Iacumin (second place) and “A glass of wine and something else”, by the Pole, Sławomir Makal in the over 35 section.
The famous cartoonist, Valerio Marini, and the president of the Elda Felluga Movement announced the winners recently, and offered a selection of top wines from the Friuli wineries to the authors. An exceptional jury, chaired by personalities of the caliber of Alfio Krancic, and by the honorary president, Giorgio Forattini, evaluated the cartoons and illustrations. The jury was composed of illustrious names in satire and graphics such as Marini himself, Emilio Giannelli and Gianluigi Colin. Also participating on the jury, Franz Bore and Enzi Rizzo, director and deputy director of the magazine, “Spirito DiVino”, the journalist Carlo Cambia, the creator of “Identity Goose” Paolo Marche, the philosopher Aldo Confetti, Feed & Tinto, hosts of “Decanter” Radio2 Ray, and the actor, Francesco Salvi.
“Spirito di Vino”, as Elda Felluga explained, “has grown Internationally, in recent years, becoming the reference point for satire on the wine world, uniting people of different cultures and Nationalities. It is a fundamental opportunity to make Friuli Venezia Giulia known to the world. Thanks to technology, we have also been able to have foreign cartoonists participate in the awards, hoping to welcome them soon to our Region and let them discover our excellent wines, our great food and our warm hospitality”.
“The indissoluble link between art and wine, which is so alive in our Region, is magnificently represented by the famous stuccos of the Lombard Temple”, said Daniela Bernardi, mayor of Cividale, which will host, in the year the Ducal city will celebrate 10 years of Unesco recognition the exhibition of the serial site, “The Lombards in Italy. The Places of Power (568-774 AD)”, of which our Lombard Temple represents the most precious gem. Our cultural heritage as well as an opportunity to enhance the food and wine excellence of our territory”. Plus, for all the fans and the curious, all the cartoons and satirical illustrations will be on display until January 9th in the Church of Santa Maria dei Battuta in Cividale del Friuli, regaling smiles and new ideas to reflect on wine and current events, and more, revised in a biting, satirical outlook.
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