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Wine celebrates the “new Renaissance” of Italy: Timo Helgert in the exhibition with Pasqua

Here is “A taste of Italy”, the works of German artist for the brand in which nature reconquers places-symbol of the Belpaese, in the Milano Wine Week

Not to forget, to continue to reflect, as a sign of hope: wine relies on art to celebrate an Italy that “has never been so beautiful”, especially now that we rediscover it after the months in which it was denied to us, when in the lockdown the world was paralyzed because of the pandemic, but we never stopped looking outside our homes admiring a nature, of which wine is the fruit, that continued to exist full of life, growing despite everything. And that now symbolizes a “new Renaissance” of Italy and its monumental places. It does so with “A Taste of Italy”, the works commissioned by the Veneto brand Pasqua Vini to the young German artist Timo Helgert, for a temporary multimedia exhibition, from tomorrow, at Palazzo Serbelloni in Milan, during the “Milano Wine Week”. A tribute to our country, its genius, its creativity, its tenacity, its lifestyle that the whole world envies and of which wine and art are a symbol, through a series of virtual images that illustrate the Italian rebirth, through flora and fauna that reappropriate ancient spaces and environments - but not only - of which man has taken possession over the centuries.
The exhibition consists of seven multimedia installations whose creative direction was entrusted to the founder and art director of Vacades, specialized in digital and 3D installation, Timo Helgert, result of the collaboration started in full emergency with the Veronese winery that gave life to the project “The Return of Nature”, where the artist repopulated urban contexts with flora and fauna. Now the winery has also entrusted Helgert with the task of narrating the rebirth of our country, through a new and surprising exhibition, for which the artist has figuratively crossed the Belpaese and created evocative and powerful images, creating seven works that want to pay homage to the beauty of Italy, always surprising even for those who know it and that invite us to reflect on the behavior of nature in recent months. Known and secret places, which, through the artist's creativity, come alive with natural elements, in a futuristic and metaphorical vision in which the genius of man and the generating force of nature find harmony. A “new Renaissance”, real and dreamlike, which starts from Italy, which was its cradle.
Two of the seven installations are dedicated to Verona and Valpolicella, where the winery has its productive heart. Helgert created two installations that saw, on the one hand, a view from above over the barrel cellar of the Pasqua Vini in San Felice, on which a flowery meadow opened. In the second, equally effective, rows of vines as far as the eye could see conquered the parterre of the Arena, the symbolic monument of the city of Verona, where great operatic and other concerts are usually held: an evident homage to the wine vocation of the Verona area.
“The future to which we have always turned our eys - explains Umberto Pasqua, president of Pasqua Vini - is represented by young people, today more than ever the main interpreters of that desire for change necessary to build a better tomorrow, for everyone. I have always been fascinated by the talent, creativity and determination that they demonstrate and that they know how to translate into gestures and works of art. It is no coincidence that, for four years, our company has been supporting the work of young talents through initiatives such as #talentnevertastedbetter, the campaign that involves creative figures from all fields in our projects. Our investments, in this sense, have never stopped, on the contrary: we asked one of the youngest and most innovative voices of the digital scene to tell this period with new and experimental codes. “We chose to entrust Timo Helgert with the realization of the exhibition because his expressive codes, between digital art and virtual reality, offer an innovative vision of the beauty of our country - concludes Riccardo Pasqua, managing director of the winery - we also share the look of hope that Timo offers through his works, which at the same time invites reflection on the priceless heritage that is Italy, inexhaustible source of inspiration”.

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