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Viticultural index and dematerialized registers of related wine products is (almost) a law

Albiera Antinori, president of Federvini Wine Group:“ It gives us great satisfaction. Digitize to simplify, now let’s move on to the operations phase”
Wine: a step forward towards digital simplification for traceability (photo: Canva)

Albiera Antinori, president of the Federvini Wine Group, commented on the news that the Senate has approved the Agriculture Decree, which contains the amendment that had already been approved in the Industry, Commerce, Tourism, Agriculture and Agri-Food Production Commission of the Senate, saying, “digitize to simplify. We would like to express our great satisfaction for the measure promoted by Centinaio. Now, everyone is working on the operations phase to make our sector more modern, by putting updated to the times traceability and control systems in place, and, thereby freeing up useful resources to dedicate to the competitive drive, which we definitely need, to strengthen our positioning on International markets”. Gian Marco Centinaio, Senator (and former Minister of Agricultural Policies), is the first signature on the measure, which aims to connect the viticultural index and the new dematerialized registers of wine products (as we reported here). The Decree will now be sent to the Chamber of Deputies for the final approval, which appears to be just a formality. July 14th is the deadline for the measure to become law. According to Federvini, this will be an enormous step forward to optimize the traceability and transparency profiles of wines in Italy. “The measure will let us now complete the process of simplifying obligations, which we had started a few years ago on the dematerialization of winery registers”.
“The amendment has been approved in the Senate, supported by the Government, and marks an important first step”, Micaela, president of Federvini Pallini declared, “an excellent signal that gives us the chance to look with renewed enthusiasm toward our objective, that is, to introduce simplifying the burden of management for companies, while guaranteeing more effective traceability of the wines, from the vineyard, thanks to the data in the viticultural index, to the bottle, thanks to the data in the winery registers”.
The new factor in the work of converting the Agriculture Decree into Law in the Senate (here is a general overview of the various measures and the agricultural organizations’ reactions, ed.), follows the Ministry of Agriculture’s decrees passed a few years ago, regarding winery registers and the new viticultural index. They prefigured, in the same digital environment, the information of the company's viticultural potential as well as that linked to winery operations. The connection between the new file and the dematerialized register will allow us, among other things, to compile the harvest declaration with the data already in the file (information relating to the vineyard), and data already in the Register (the grapes and musts that are in the cellar), contributing to streamlining costs of the wine production companies.

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