Ezio Rivella has spent a lifetime in the world of Italian wine. His position as newly elected president of the Consortium of Brunello di Montalcino is the most recent addition to his impressive résumé. The day after his election he gave an exclusive interview to Winenews. “I’m happy,” said Cavalier Rivella, “to accept this office and I am especially happy that this new board has succeeded in getting all the different “souls” to agree, including the most critical. They are all good people who want to work for Brunello and its territory. Now, a great commitment awaits me and us in the name of a common cause”.
From an operational standpoint, what should be done first? “There are lots of things to do,” - says the president, “especially at a time when Brunello di Montalcino is on a downhill slope and in serious danger of slipping lower and lower. Clearly, this trend has to be reversed”. Rivella and the new board, which includes three vice-presidents: Donatella Cinelli Colombini, Marco Cortonesi and Giancarlo Pacenti, have also already identified some priorities.
”The Consortium must be accredited as a reliable partner for all producers,” Rivella says “and must raise the quality of our wines, which is not represented only by complying to specifications, but it comes from the daily and meticulous work in the vineyard and in the winery. It must concentrate supply and demand, channeling the surplus in the Consortium so that it can act as a sort of “calming effect” on prices that today are in free fall; increase controls in terms of quality of our wines, providing appropriate assistance to producers; conclude the negotiations underway with Monte dei Paschi di Siena for financial assistance to producers who are forced to stock their wines, waiting for better times”.
To those who expected a radical change in guidelines, especially regarding the ampelographic composition of the disciplinary on production of Brunello di Montalcino, president Ezio Rivella’s words are rather surprising.
The general guidelines of the new Board of Directors of the Consortium of Brunello di Montalcino were already known, and the range of proposals (see below) submitted by the Federation of Italian Farmers, Coldiretti, the Italian conferderation of farmers Confagricoltura, and CIA -Italian Farmers Confederation were unanimously accepted. There are no changes to the specification, at least not in the composition of Brunello, which remains Sangiovese.
Focus - The proposals for the Consortium of Brunello by Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, CIA-Italian Farmers Confederation
- Brunello di Montalcino: it is understood that it must be produced solely with Sangiovese grapes of Montalcino refined four years. We believe it is necessary to propose some technical changes that adapt to the new legislative decree no. 164 and CMO wine; a study must be conducted on the confirmation of the specification of the yield per hectare, voted by the Assembly since 2006;
- assess the re-organization of Rosso di Montalcino and Sant’Antimo starting from a careful analysis of the facts and emphasizing the combination wine - territory to implement a serious policy of revival;
- continue to guarantee customers quality, territoriality and respect of the rules in the production of wines in Montalcino, including the use of new and proven scientific methods;
- continue to implement activities to promote the wines of Montalcino, trying to involve the largest amount of companies possible in the various events;
- the new decree 164 authorizes the Consortium to acquire personal and / or qualified facilities for business services (interpreters, sommeliers ...), to conduct training and professional growth in marketing and promotion, open to all members: we believe that we should evaluate the implementation of this option;
- new formats need to be considered for events and a further effort for the image of the Consortium and where appropriate, using facilities or other qualified structures;
- the bureaucratic structure of the Consortium must be optimized and the resources available must be exploited to increase promotional spending;
- encourage and improve exchanges of information between members and structures;
- consider measuring production with stars, either reducing or increasing on the basis of quality vintage and potential marketability;
- assess the reinstatement of a winemaker and a council that anticipates the Chamber of Commerce;
- to encourage, strengthen and promote wine stocks within the Consortium to facilitate the exchange of non-labeled bulk or bottled wine among producers.
Who is Ezio Rivella, here is his résumé ...
Ezio Rivella was born in Castagnole Lanze (Asti) 77 years ago and is one of the most popular personalities in the wine world. He was the “founder” of Castello Banfi (1977), the winery that made Brunello di Montalcino known around the world. Thanks to his commitment he was appointed Knight of Labor with Merit in 1985. Rivella has been president of the Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin (OIV), the Assoenologi (association of Italian enologists), Italian Wine Union, the National Committee of Denomination of Origin Wines, the Italian Academy of Vine and Wine, Academie International du Vin. He has won numerous awards and is also the author of many publications.
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