Vineyard areas around the world, together with global wine production are decreasing, but the industry can still count on consumers: the worldwide consumption of wine in 2010 increased 0.4% compared to 2009, equal to 238 million hectoliters, stopping the downward trend that began in 2007. This is the data provided by O.I.V., the International Organization of Vines and Wine, in its annual report, which analyzes the international wine industry numbers. The “driving force” is markets.
The United States, Germany and China are among the five major “markets of the wine world” on an upward trend, albeit slow, offsetting the decline in consumption in France, Italy and Spain. The wine trade in 2010 was characterized by a growth of over 7% in exports (6.2 million hectoliters) and 3.3% in imports (+2.8 million hectoliters). After a steady growth trend that began in 2000, world exports of wine decreased in 2008 due to the economic crisis, reaching a negative peak in 2009. But, says the General Manager of OIV, Federico Castellucci, “in 2010, the trend picked up and the total volume of wine exported is still well above that recorded in 2006 and in previous years”. Spain, France and Italy continue to stay ahead in statistics concerning the extension of vineyards, but are losing ground while surfaces planted with vines are increasing in China, the United States and Argentina.
The total worldwide vineyard area shows a decline in 2010 of 61.000 hectares less than 2009 - down to 7.586.000 hectares from 7.647.000 hectares. This means a 0.8% decrease in extension compared to 2010. Wine production is also on a decline, down to 1998 levels (263.8 million hectoliters). In 2010 it decreased by approximately 7.4 million hectoliters (less 2.7%) compared to 2009, after an increase of 1.1 million hectoliters between 2008 and 2009. The global production of grapes as well, after a slight increase in 2008 and a stabilization in 2009, decreased by 3% in 2010 to 644.900 thousand tons compared to 2009, which had recorded 675.300 thousand tons of grapes, close to 2007 levels (665.200 thousand tons). Info:
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