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Wine tourism: it’s women’s call. Bookings are made closer and closer to visits to the winery

Preview of the annual report on wine tourism, signed by the Divinea digital platform
Wine tourism: women’s call. The Divinea report

Women are dominating more and more choices and bookings, which are less and less taking place in advance. These are the trends that Divinea, a technological platform dedicated to the management of the wine business, revealed in its annual report on wine tourism, which will be presented in February 2022. In the meantime, their data have showed that even in 2020 most of the bookings came from a female audience (54% of the total). Today, those numbers have grown +12% and confirm that in 2021, women managed 66 % of purchasing experiences at wineries. Furthermore, compared to the pre-Covid-19 period, and also the period after the lockdown, data have shown that the time lapse between time of booking and the day of the winery experience has been shortened. In other words, before the Pandemic, visitors booked on average 23 days ahead, while instead today they are booking only 12 days ahead. Most bookings take place during the week, preferably on Tuesdays, whereas the preferred time slot is early in the morning or around lunchtime. 76% of visitors prefer to book online and more than 75% buy wine after the experience in the winery.
“The objective of this study”, explained Fillippo Galanti, co-founder of Divinea, together with Matteo Ranghetti, “is to give the wineries and the players involved in the wine tourism market as well as direct-to-consumer wine sales, useful tools to improve the visitors’ experience at the wineries. We are fully aware that the female public is the one that deals mainly with booking visits to the wine company. This helps us understand that Italian wine should focus especially on this target to improve the experience in the winery. The quality leap that wineries must take today resides in the opportunity that studying data gives us to profile wine lovers and respond with offers and proposals that mirror their interests”.

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