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Awards by Food & Travel Italia: the supertuscan Oreno 2020 by Tenuta Sette Ponti is “Top of the Top”

The best red to Brunello di Montalcino “Il Marroneto”, the winery of the year is Villa Sandi: all the “wine” awards

The supertuscan Oreno 2020 di Tenuta Sette Ponti is the wine “Top of the Top” 2022, recognized by the “Awards” of the “Food & Travel Italia” n. 5 magazine, this year for the first time staged in Puglia (“Destination of the year”), in Ugento (Lecce).
An important recognition for the wine company in Valdarno which extends over 60 hectares of organic production, 250,000 bottles of total production, and which for more than two decades now represents one of the most important realities of the new Tuscan wine course. “A unique wine, with an international flavor, elegant and enveloping. A super Tuscan inspired by the Bordeaux style but with a strong Tuscan imprint”, it is being read in the motivation for the award. One of the two “Food & Travel Italia of the Year” wines also goes to Tuscany: the Nobile di Montepulciano Asinone 2019 from the Poliziano Agricultural Company wins it, while the other goes to Campania at Aglianico Terre del Volturno Zicorrà 2018, produced by Caputo 1890. But Tuscany also wins in another coveted category, that of the “Red wine of the Year”, with Il Marroneto’s Brunello di Montalcino Madonna delle Grazie 2016. In Montalcino also ends the “Women and Territory of the Year Award”, which goes to Le Potazzine, an all-female producer of Brunello. Sicily is at the top in whites, thanks to Salealto Tenuta Ficuzza 2018 in Cusumano, while we go back to the Marche to find the best rosé awarded to the Marche’s “Rosé” 2021 of Velenosi. Puglia toasts with the “Sweet wine of the Year” with the Es Più Sole 2021 label signed by Gianfranco Fino, the “Sparkling wine of the Year” rhymes with Trento Doc, thanks to the “Giulio Ferrari Riserva del Fondatore 2009”, produced by Ferrari Trento. Instead, we go to Slovenia for the “International Wine of the Year” with the highest step of the podium won by Marjan Simčič’s Chardonnay “Opoka” 2019. The “Winery of the Year” is Villa Sandi, leader of Prosecco Docg, led by the Moretti Polegato family; the awarded cooperative winery is the Cantina Due Palme in Cellino San Marco, which has over a thousand members for a total of 2,500 hectares of vineyards and 10 million bottles produced. Quality and sustainability through resistant vines are the keys that led Nicola Biasi (also named oenologist of the year) to be awarded as the “Wine Project of the Year” for the Resistenti Nicola Biasi network (of which we talked about here). “Sommelier of the Year” 2022 is Maurizio Cerio from Don Alfonso 1890 and “Wine Manager of the Year” is Valentina Bertini. Prestigious recognition also for the Italian Sommelier Foundation (Fis) Puglia which, for its quality training, was named the “School of the year”.
Among the special awards, it is worth mentioning the “Person of the Year”, which goes to Giuseppe Cupertino, wine manager of Borgo Egnazia, and Simona Natale, the soul of the Apulian brand Gianfranco Fino. Renzo Rosso, owner of Diesel and Diesel Farm, with which he produces wine and oil in the Vicenza area (and shareholder, with his Red Circle Investments, of Masi Agricola, ed), is the “Man of the Year”, while Camilla Lunelli, a key figure for the success of the Lunelli Group, is “The Best Woman”, and Walter Meccia is “Sommelier Food & Travel Italy of the Year”. Recognitions also for the journalists Daniele Bertocci and Eleonora Cozzella; the “Wine Communicator of the Year” is Chiara Giovoni, the Italian ambassador of Champagne (and collaborator of WineNews, ed), with Chiara Giannotti, the best communicator. The “Event of the Year” award is also dedicated to the wine world and assigned to “Sbarbatelle”, a project based on the awareness of the growing role played by women and young people in the world of wine.

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