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“Capital” Wine: Consortium Rome DOC created to protect the Eternal City’s wine

“We aim for “erga omnes” by September. Quality productions, the name Rome requires a sense of responsibility”, President Galassini told WineNews
ROME, News
“Capital” Wine: Consortium Rome DOC created to protect the Eternal City’s wine

Italian wine and Rome are two influential Italian “brands”, which have merged into a real denomination. Or rather, into a consortium, Roma DOC, which has just been created to protect the denomination of Italy’s capital, acknowledged in 2011. Tullio Galassini is the first president, for over 235 DOC hectares. The goal is “erga omnes” by September. Quality is the priority, “because the name Rome requires responsibility”, as well as wine tourism and strategies. One interesting fact is that the deputy Renato Brunetta is on the Board of Directors.

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