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Food and wine tourists? The Millennials are discovering territories of food and wine

Young people are half of the wine tourists, according to Roberta Garibaldi’s research. The trends of cuisine: street food, gourmet and ethnic cuisine
46% of millennials are food and wine tourists

The food mania that has gone crazy on the main communication channels of the present has filled schedules, social message boards and bar conversations. The rediscovered passion for food and wine of Italians has also led the public of millennials to set their holidays on gourmet experiences.
According to the analysis of Roberta Garibaldi, university professor and author of the “Report on Italian food and wine tourism”, the Millennials are 46% of food and wine tourists. Born between 1981 and 1998, the Millennial tourist is mainly single/unmarried, more cultured, but with a lower current disposable income. He is looking for a journey that allows him to discover the culture of the territory through meetings and food and when he has to choose the destination of a food and wine journey.
If on the one hand the food and wine experiences most appreciated by the Millennials correspond to those of other tourists, whether it’s eating typical local dishes in a local restaurant (87%) or visiting a market with local products (80%), on the other hand there are wide differences for many choices.
Sociality is not only digital, in fact 62% of millennials also want to make new acquaintances in very popular places, obviously with a tendency to attend festivals dedicated to food.
Among the most common trends, there is certainly street food: buying food from a food truck is the fourth most desired experience.
Interest also in ethnic cuisine, in fact the experience in a restaurant of another culture is desired by 79% of millennials.

The gourmet restaurant is also a primary interest for 60% of millennials. There is also a growing interest in cooking classes, food and wine trips on the road.
“Increasingly traveling and with increasing spending power, the Millennials live the journey not only as a gratification, but also as a means to grow both laboriously and culturally,” says Roberta Garibaldi. “Observing and analyzing this segment, which is so lively on the market, and its needs could help to predict future trends in food and wine tourism,” she concludes.

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