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Wine Drinkers UK, distributors, wine lovers and wine writers against wine taxes

#CutBackWineTax, the British wine lobby’s protest on social networks: 61% of spending on a £5 bottle ends up in taxes
The UK movement against wine taxes

Stop taxing wine. The appeal comes from Great Britain, where Brexit, more or less imminent, threatens to increase the burden of excise duties on wine imported from the European Union, which is then the vast majority of that consumed, overtaxing, even more, a sector already crushed by the tax. Some of the country’s major wine suppliers are the spokesmen for this unease, including Treasury Wine Estates, Concha y Toro and Enotria, who have created a real lobby: Wine Drinkers UK, which launched the social campaign #CutBackWineTax. Even the choice of day, on August 12, when the “battle”
officially began, is not random: it is symbolically equivalent to 61% of the year, which is exactly the weight of taxes on a bottle that costs, on the shelf, 5 pounds, of which 2.23 pounds in taxes and 83 pence in VAT. But that’s not all, because while British consumers continue to pay more taxes for drinking wine than any other European country, taxes on other spirits, from beer to cider via spirits, have remained unchanged in recent years: that’s why to marry the fight, in addition to distributors, there are more and more consumers and wine writers ...

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