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In the U.S. bent by Covid, is boom for wine sales for domestic consumption

Between March 7 and May 9 a growth of more than 30% in volume and value, according to Nielsen data. And the “direct to consumer” continues to grow
In the U.S. bent by Covid, is boom for wine sales for domestic consumption

If pushed by the Covid effect, wine sales in Italian large-scale distribution recorded a significant increase (+5% in value for PDO wines, and +7.3% for PGI wines between February 23 and May 17, the beginning and end of the lockdown over the same period 2019), in the USA, a key market for Italian wine, growth in sales for domestic consumption was even more pronounced. According to Nielsen data, reported by the wineindustryadvisor.com portal, wine sales between March 7 and May 9, 2020, grew by 30.7%, with a growth in values, year on year, of 35%. In particular, explain the data, all wines with a price from 11 euros per bottle grew, with particularly strong growth in the range between 20 and 25 dollars. An important figure also for Italian wine, which, however, it must be said, in the States lives mainly thanks to the catering business, which will also have to deal with the economic effects on the American market (where the data, to date, speak of over 38 million unemployed, ed.)
At the same time, the Nielsen and Wines Vines Analytics data still underline the growth in “direct to consumer” sales: +45% in volume in April 2020 over the same period 2019. However, with growth significantly lower in values, however, at +15%. With an average price per bottle, however, which remains very high, even though it rose from 42 dollars in April 2019 to 33 dollars in April 2020.

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