What’s the secret to a woman’s desire? According to experts, one or two glasses of red wine a day is enough to set off a revolution under the sheets. And it is not only due to its capacity to decrease inhibition: red wine appears directly affects sexual activity.
This is what has emerged from a study promoted by the Santa Maria Annunziata Hospital of Florence and conducted on a sample of 789 women between the ages of 18 and 50 residing in the Chianti region.
The study revealed some clear evidence that women who drink red wine have a better sex life than those who abstain or only drink occasionally. The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) survey, which evaluates a woman’s sexual activity through 19 questions on 6 different aspects (desire, interest, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and pain), was administered to judge the sexual health of women in this area.
“Among the women who consume 1-2 glasses of red wine per day” – noted Nicola Mondaini, medical director of Santa Maria Annunziata Hospital – “desire and lubrication resulted as the most significantly relevant aspects”.
And out of this study, a book has even been written: “Bacco e Venere, ovvero vino ed eros nella vita dell’uomo” (Bacchus and Venus, or rather wine and eros in a man’s life”, an entertaining tale that unites the medical study with odes to the pleasures of the palate.
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