As at December 31, 2021, Italy’s wine cellars held 62.9 million hectolitres of wine, 9.6 million hectolitres of must and 2.5 million hectolitres of new wine still in fermentation, i.e. an increase in the value of wine stocks of +3.3% compared to December 2020 and +21.1% compared to November 2021, which is predictably offset by a practically symmetrical decrease in must (-23%). 56.5% of wine is held in the northern regions, mainly in Veneto, 51.7% of all this wine is PDO, 27.6% PGI, while varietal wines make up just 1.2% of the total, and 19.5% is represented by other wines. In addition, stocks of wines with Geographical Indications are very concentrated: 20 designations out of 526 contribute 58.7% of the total stocks. Thus the report “Cantina Italia”, signed by the Central Inspectorate for the Protection of Quality and Fraud Repression of Agri-Food Products (Icqrf).
As mentioned, stocks of PDO wines amount to 32.5 million hectolitres, those of PGI wines to 17.3 million hectolitres, and those of table wines to 12.2 million hectolitres. Behind Veneto, which alone holds 23.7% of national wine, i.e. 14.9 million hectolitres, mainly thanks to the significant contribution of stocks in the provinces of Treviso (10.4%) and Verona (8.3%), there are Puglia (7.6 million hectolitres), Emilia Romagna (7.1 million hectolitres), Tuscany (5.5 million hectolitres), Sicily (5.2 million hectolitres), Piedmont (4.6 million hectolitres), Friuli Venezia Giulia (3.5 million hectolitres), Abruzzo (3.5 million hectolitres), Lombardy (2.6 million hectolitres) and Trentino-Alto Adige (2.5 million hectolitres).
At the top of the PDO and PGI wine stocks is Prosecco, with a 10% share (5 million hectolitres), followed by Puglia PGI (5.7% and 2.8 million hectolitres), Terre Siciliane PGI (4.2% and 2 million hectolitres), Sicilia PDO (4.1% and 2 million hectolitres), Salento PGI (3.5% and 1.7 million hectolitres), Delle Venezie (3.2% and 1, 6 million hectolitres), Montepulciano d’Abruzzo (3.2% and 1.6 million hectolitres), Toscana Igp (3.1% and 1.5 million hectolitres), Veneto Igp (2.9% and 1.4 million hectolitres), Friuli Dop (2.8% and 1.3 million hectolitres), Rubicone (2.7% and 1.3 million hectolitres), Chianti (2.4% and 1.1 million hectolitres), Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco (1.8% and 884. 000 hectolitres), Chianti Classico (1.6% and 811,000 hectolitres), Emilia Dop (1.4% and 717,000 hectolitres), Veronese Dop (1.4% and 686,000 hectolitres), Trentino (1.2% and 621,000 hectolitres), Soave (1.2% and 605,000 hectolitres), Franciacorta (1.2% and 599,000 hectolitres) and Valpolicella (1.2% and 588,000 hectolitres).
Most of the must, however, is held in the regions of Southern (48%) and Northern (43%) Italy, with two regions holding 67% of the must: Apulia (45.1%) and Emilia-Romagna (21.9%). Compared to December 31, 2020, stocks of PDO wines increased by +5.7% and those of PGI wines by +4%, while table wine stocks fell by -3.2%. Compared to November 2021, stocks of PDO wines increased by +20.9%, PGI wines by +21.9% and table wines by +21%.
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