Eating while driving is a constant danger! Drinks, sandwiches and chocolates end up on the "black list" of distractions, which, while driving, can be a real danger to road safety. Eating while driving should always be avoided, but for those who just cannot help it (American motorists are part of this category), the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the United States (NHTSA), the US Agency for Road Safety drew up a list of the most "dangerous" foods that distract drivers.
It all started when a 71-year-old American gentleman overturned his van while munching a hot dog sandwich. Following the accident, just one more in a series of similar accidents, reports the website MSN Cars, US authorities have established that eating and drinking while driving can contribute to distractions and become a serious safety hazard.
According to the recent report by the NHTSA, drivers that are distracted by eating or drinking while driving cause a staggering 65% of all accidents in the US. It is not only dangerous to eat or drink, it is just as dangerous to try to clean one’s hands, brush off clothes from food particles, or pick up cans and bottles that have ended up near the pedals.
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