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“Errazuriz Wine Photographer of the Year” 2022, all the beauty of wine in photographs

“Architecture And Wine”, Marina Spironetti’s shot of the Antinori winery in Chianti Classico wins first place in the “Places” category

The “Errazuriz Wine Photographer of the Year” awards created in 2011 aim to show the extraordinary simplicity of food and culinary art, in all its forms and in all its diversity. Photos of people, places, wine production and processes that capture its uniqueness and beauty and narrate an entire year among vineyards and wineries in the world’s wine territories from Europe, to the United States to the Southern Hemisphere. The category (sponsored by the Chilean brand, Errazuriz) dedicated to wine of the “Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year”, has chosen the most beautiful shots. In the “Places” category, first place for “Architecture and Wine” went to Marina Spironetti's photo of the Antinori winery in Chianti Classico, designed by Marco Casamonti of Studio Archea Associati, and inspired by Fontana’s horizontal cuts, i.e., a perfect example of integration on the territory. Then followed “Woolly Weeders” by the American Suzanne Becker Bronk, and “Vineyards Sunrise”, by Adrian Chitty, a beautiful sunrise over the vineyards of Dundee Hills, in Oregon.
In the “People” category, instead, first place went to the photo, “Gathering Prunings On Corton Hill” by the British Artist, Jon Wyand, which captured a key moment in the vineyard - pruning in Burgundy. In second place, “Never Waste Wine”, a moment of joy among the grapevines photographed by the British Gilbert Bages, and in third place, “Eight Days a Week” by David Charbit, portraying the winemaker of Breaky Bottom, in Sussex, Peter Hall, at work while hand-labeling his bottles. Finally, the “Produce” category, where “On Ice” by Suzanne Becker Bronk received first prize. Her photo depicts the Caldwell Vineyard (Napa Valley) where dry ice prevents the harvested grapes from fermenting. In second place, “Bubbles”, by Duy Dash, in which the “bubbles” come from fermentation, in the open fermenters of the Australian brand Henschke, and, in third place, “Rioja Cellar”, the spectacular winery of the Spanish Bodegas Campillo, photographed by Mick Rock.

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