Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Farnese Vini eyes an IPO

The company has been enjoying quite spectacular results of late: 70 million Euros in turnover in 2017 (up 27% y-o-y), 96% of it from exports

Farnese Vini has been enjoying quite spectacular results of late: 70 million Euros in turnover in 2017 (up 27% y-o-y), 96% of it from exports, thanks to 80 wines from Abruzzi, Apulia, Sicily, Basilicata, Campania and Tuscany, with a tailor-made approach toward territories and growers, and the financial support of the NB Renaissance Partners fund, which has acquired the majority share of the firm led by CEO Valentino Sciotti in 2016. Reasons enough to openly plan for a not-so-distant IPO ...

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