In 2015, Pope Francis, who had risen to the papal throne two years earlier, published his Encyclical “Laudato Sì”, the first papal script in which the themes of ecology and the environment became central in the Catholic Church. From that moment on, Slow Food began to weave an ever-closer dialogue with his Holiness, which led to the meeting between its founder, Carlo Petrini, and Pope Francis. The two had the opportunity to converse on three different occasions, before and during the pandemic. The three conversations open the new book, “Terrafutura”, edited by Carlo Petrini, and co-edited by Giunti and Slow Food. The book was pre-released in the Sala Marconi of Vatican Radio, and will be presented on September 18th in the heart of Franciacorta, in a setting that is not at all casual. It will take place in the Convent of the Annunciata in Rovato, which the Community of Friars has entrusted to the Vittorio and Mariella Moretti Foundation. The foundation was established in 2018, with the precise aim of protecting and promoting the uniqueness of the monastery. The Bellavista company and patron Vittorio Moretti have maintained a deep friendship since 1991, when the oenologist Mattia Vezzola asked his father Sebastiano to let him have a small parcel of 5.45 hectares cultivated with Chardonnay. Through the research that Luigi Veronelli presented in 1991, Bellavista was able to confirm the historical, climatic and enological uniqueness of the Convent’s lands. Quality wine has been made here since the 16th century, and the microclimate has unique characteristics. Equally unique is the profile of the vineyard the Chardonnay wine in purity that bears the name of the Convent and contains all its splendid history.
As a result of that research, the testimonies of the ancient winemaking in Franciacorta as well as the validity of the concept of “cru” revealed the terroir and its uniqueness through an identifying relationship amongst man, land and climate. Climate, and its close link with economy, ethics and spirituality, will be discussed during the presentation, which, Vittorio Moretti said; “we want this moment to become for all of us a reflection on the future of the wine sector starting from quality requests. In the concept of balance, which Bellavista has always sustained is the cornerstone of its growth path, all wine producers must be able to identify ourselves, to implement requests and paths of renewal that give a concrete and profound answer to the important questions the ecological issues are asking us to resolve rapidly”.
Focus – “Terrafutura”
In 2015 Pope Francis addressed the world - not only Catholics, but the faithful of other religions, and non-believers – with an exhortation of great spiritual, ethical and political value, the Encyclical Laudato Si’: a “reflection that is both joyful and dramatic” on the serious environmental deterioration of our planet, the waste of natural and human resources caused by scandalously unjust and irresponsible economic and political systems. The Encyclical is also a Franciscan invitation to “reconnect” with all living creatures and the Earth we all inhabit.
In keeping with the message of “integral ecology” that Pope Bergoglio launched, Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food and creator of the international network Terra Madre as well as agnostic, wrote the Guide to Reading Laudato Si’, published by Edizioni San Paolo. They share the global commitment to “cultivate and preserve” human and earthly goods, proceeding with revolutionary pragmatism towards a life in harmony together with their community and with nature, which was deepened during crucial events, including the Pan-Amazon Synod.
The book represents another radical step towards an integral ecology and opens with three dialogues between Pope Francis and Carlo Petrini. In the friendly and honest atmosphere at the three meetings, the commonality of views stands out. There was also the awareness of gravity and the trust in daily and community commitment, because, as Pope Francis argued, ecology is not given without justice, the environment is not cared for if relations between human beings are marred by exaggerated economic and cultural imbalances.
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