Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

From the World Bulk Wine Exhibition in Amsterdam the numbers and trends of bulk wine in the world

Data “Global Market Report” of the broker Ciatti: in Italy Prosecco, Pinot Grigio, Primitivo are doing well
Bulk wines capture the production moment and the balance of power

The proportion of wine in bulk is anything but marginal, especially when it comes to volume, out of the billions of liters of wine that leave the producing countries every year to invade markets near and far. Bulk wine is also the sector that, more than any other, suffers, for better or for worse, the trend of the harvest, at a global level. That’s why the data of the “Global Market Report” by Ciatti, one of the main brokers in the sector, are now at the centre of the World Bulk Wine Exhibition, which closes today in Amsterdam and which awarded the Alliance of Italian Cooperatives led by Ruenza Santandrea with the “Voice of Wine”, dedicated to the recognition of “the efforts of people, companies, institutions and associations that are characterised by their support for the wine sector in general, and for the bulk wine sector in particular”. Ciatti, starting from the figures of the OIV, recalled how the production of wine in 2019 shows important decreases in the main producing countries, from -15% of Italy to -24% of Spain, through the -15% of France, which return to the levels of 2017, as well as prices, destined, on the bulk market, to grow compared to a year ago. In Italy, Prosecco, Pinot Grigio and Primitivo will benefit, even if competition with wines from Argentina, which is ready for a record and high quality harvest, is worrying, as are the international dynamics, from Brexit to the US duty crisis, which risk having important repercussions on consumption in the three most important wine markets in the world, namely Great Britain, the USA and China.

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