The food industry Made in Italy is in good health and this year has already reached 133 billion euros in turnover, registering a growth of 2.3% over the same period in 2012, according to data from the Italian Federation of Food Industries, Federalimentare.
"This result”, said Daniele Rossi, CEO of Federalimentare, “is particularly good in today’s economic situation and it has been driven mainly by exports, which in 2013 recorded an 8.1% increase for a value of 26.7 billion euros, making a positive balance in relation to imports of seven billion euros”.
Which markets are the leaders? Germany, France and the United States, but there are two new and important additions, the dynamic trade with Thailand and the United Arab Emirates.
The food sector has consolidated its role as the second manufacturing industry in Italy after the engineering industry. It has also confirmed new growth potential, thanks to the ten billion euros per year that the sector invests in research and innovation.
"We want to always be ready and prepared to face the new trends of the future”, added Rossi, “ like attention to the environment and sustainability, but also specific nutritional needs, such as those related to religious, ethnic and ethical aspects".
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