At the recent ‘Salone del Gusto’ food kermes held in Turin this past October, Italy’s Slow Food presidia (associations that safeguard local foods and biodiversity and which follow the disciplines of the Slow Food organization) celebrated 10 years of activity with the presentation of a new logo that will be appearing on their product packages (a “spiral” with the colors of the land of Italy) in order to clearly identify those who share the Slow Food philosophy. At the presentation, Raffaella Ponzio, head of the Italian presidia network, noted: “Today, we close out a phase and we project new goals: Slow Food, with the logo, will sell its name, but will still expect the same jump in quality on the part of producers. We have, in fact, created a rigid disciplinary together with the technicians of the Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity, and we expect them to be respected, otherwise we will not concede the logo”.
And there is also another important goal in sight: the independence of these presidia. “Until now, Slow Food was occupied directly with the network of presidia, now we propose that producers give life to independent associations that can then be affiliated amongst themselves. It is a question of responsibility that also encourages the creation of mechanisms of self-control: in short, the producers themselves will safeguard themselves, becoming guardians of quality”.
Roberto Burdese, President of Slow Food Italy, has also analyzed current Italian agriculture and the quality of food: “Italy, in 2007, sanctioned 24 million euros to dedicate to research – a shame that this enormous financing was absorbed entirely by projects for the development of GMO’s”. He then turned directly to the 177 Italian presidia, inciting them to continue to show courage and responsibility: “By allowing you to use our name we are computing a huge act of faith in you, it will be necessary, therefore, to increase attention against ‘frauds’, because it would take just one to smear 10 years of work and effort”.
Representatives of the presidia themselves also spoke at the event, comparing and exposing common demands. The young Marilù Monte from the white plums of Monreale presidium spoke emotionally of the memories of her grandmother Mimma, who had passed down all of her secrets: “We already felt like part of a large network, and now that we even have a logo, we will become a true family”. Massimo Spigaroli, head of the culatello di Zibello presidium, emphasized some of the problems that have been encountered: “Requesting respect for a discipline, it’s not that easy, but it is necessary in order not to disappoint someone because, for quality, mediations are not possible with anyone”.
Various sustainers of the Italian presidia project also participated: Coop, Siltal-Nomos, Reale Mutua Assicurazioni, and Eplusplus.
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