Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Marlon, teaching us the excitement of telling the story of great Collio wines at Venica’s

With the “CambiaMento” project, the Friuli-based brand supports “I Bambini delle Fate”, a social enterprise that helps differently abled children

You may happen to meet him in the winery and listen to him, telling his story and recounting the great Collio wines being tasted, with the enthusiasm of having worn the shoes of a profession that, week by week, involves him more and more. And while he is learning it, he is the one teaching us and reminding us of the beauty of our work as communicators of the Italian wine world. This is the story of Marlon, welcomed by Venica & Venica, thanks to the “CambiaMento” project, with which, together with Hattiva Lab Coop. Sociale Honlus, the Friulian brand supports “I Bambini delle Fate”, a social enterprise that works to ensure economic support for projects and paths aimed at differently abled children. And which, now, together with one of the most important families of Italian wine, makes us part of a story, that of wine, made of relationships, of meeting, of being together and sharing, including emotional ones.
“Doing well for doing some good”, the leitmotif of Venica & Venica’s “Sustainability Report”, means not only respect for the land and nature, but also protection of people. And it is a value and a warning that has always accompanied the Venica family. That of sustainability is the issue on which the future is being played out, and it is what has led the Venicas to often adhere to pilot projects in the field of viticultural sustainability.
But wine is also an extraordinary vehicle for good social practices, and Venica & Venica not only wants to continue to be a spokesperson for its territory, Collio, and its wines, but also firmly believes that the winemaker can and should be an engine of social growth, thanks to the establishment of virtuous relationships with its employees and the whole community. In the hope of igniting the spark of “change” and attention from wineries to inclusive projects, such as this one.
By its very nature, wine becomes a key ingredient of stories of inclusion such as those of the young people involved in the project in the transitional phase of their lives between the end of school and entry into the adult and working world. Stories that can also pass through vineyards and wineries, and the “CambiaMento” project is the first echo of this in the territory of Dolegna del Collio.

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