For the first time, to accompany the release of the new great vintages of Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2015 and Brunello di Montalcino 2016 by Biondi Santi (from 1 march, ed), the historic label where the famous red, today a world icon owned by the Epi Group of the Descours family, will be the “Voice of Biondi-Santi”, edition n.1 of a cultural action that will be carried out for each new vintage to take the experiences and conversations that arise around its wines beyond the borders of Tenuta Greppo and then travel around the world, a real ritual that has gathered around it, for over a century, a “salon of the chosen”, including collectors, enthusiasts and friends. And that dedicated to the theme of “Balance” – between man, nature and time that defines the DNA of Biondi-Santi wines and is the basis of their exceptional longevity – translates into a literary work that becomes an audiobook, with the story unpublished “Clusters of notes”, by the writer and journalist Elena Dallorso, in which the actors Neri Marcorè “give voice” to Brunello and for the English version, Tomas Arana (“Gladiator” and “Pearl Harbor”, among his most famous films), and with a podcast with a series of conversations in which the CEO Biondi-Santi Giampiero Bertolini, and Federico Radi, the technical director, converse with Beatrice Venezi, internationally renowned conductor, and the Master of Wine, Susan Lin.
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