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Private labels for wine are growing in Italy, too. NielsenIQ data analyzed by WineNews

In 2024, of the total sales on the mass retail channel of 2.2 billion euros, retailers brand labels sold 273.8 million euros
Private labels for wine are growing in Italy, too. WineNews analyzed NielsenIQ data

Private labels are also growing in Italy. As a matter of fact, in 2024 mass retail brand products reached 26 billion euros, up +2.4% compared to 2023, and close to 32% market share on the mass retail channel (data released, by BolognaFiere, at Marca 2025). Wine is part of this trend, too, though it is growing slowly in Italy, compared to the main EU markets’ average, since the market share of “private label” wines is around 30% in volume and value. In Italy, several important brands have invested, through structured projects, such as COOP Italia, which partners with many major companies (stated on the label, as a sort of cobranding) in leading territories. For instance, NielsenIQ data processed by WineNews has revealed that of 2.2 billion euros of wine sold in hypermarkets and supermarkets, as well as small self-service and discount stores, 273.8 million euros were attributed to private label wines, registering +2.1% growth in value. In volume, instead, the total is about 106.9 million liters out of 628 million liters sold overall on the mass retail channel achieving +1.6% growth. We must also take in to consideration that the average price of private label wines is definitely lower, at 2.56 euros per liter (+0.5% compared to 2023), against 3.6 euros (+2.9%) for company brands.
Focusing on the sparkling wine category, private label sparkling wines were worth 65.8 million euros out of the total 745.5 million euros sold in 2024, registering +1.3% in growth, and 11.3 million liters out of the total 105.2 million liters (+4.4%) sold. The average price was lower in this category as well: 5.78 euros for mass retail brand sparkling wines (-3%), compared to 7 euros for company brands (-0.5%). The price difference is linked to the mass retailer brand’s type of offer, as generally speaking, in every product sector, the distributor focuses precisely on economic convenience, compared to private label products in the same segment. The discount channel also has a large impact, as Eleonora Formisano, Sales Lead Smb & Global Snapshot Italy NielsenIQ, explained to WineNews. “As far as wine is concerned, approximately 40%, in value and volume, of private labels are sold in discount stores, while the remaining percent is sold in hypermarkets, supermarkets and small self-service stores. Private labels are sold more in discount stores than in the rest of mass retail; that is, respectively, 22.4% in value and 21.6% in volume in discount stores, and price positioning in line with the channel’s average (private labels 2.41 euros per liter, and the others 2.33 per liter, ed.). In the rest of the mass retail trade, the share is 9.2% in value and 14.8% in volume, and price positioning approximately -40% compared to the category average (2.67 euros per liter for private labels, 4.2 for private brands).
“ Data relative to sales of sparkling wine and Champagne”, Formisano added, “have shown that 46% of private labels’ turnover and 58% of volume are sold in discount stores, proving to be the main channels for the typology. Sales in discount stores, in this case as well, are much higher than in the rest of the mass retail trade; respectively, 28.3% in value and 27.4% in volume in discount stores, price positioning in line with the average (4.43 euros per liter for private brands, 4.58 euros for mass retail-brand sparkling wines in discount stores). In the rest of the mass retail trade, the share is 5.5% in value and 5.9% in volume, and price positioning slightly below the category average (7.46 euros compared to 7.87 euros per liter).
The private label wines trend in Italy is still small, compared to the main EU countries’ average, which is almost triple, while in the United Kingdom they make up more than 50% of wine sales on the mass retail channel. The trend will undoubtedly keep growing, if it can combine better and better quality and variety to a convenient price for the consumer, who is experiencing lower and lower purchasing power.

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