The Roma Doc appellation, created in 2011, carries with it the prestige of the name of the Eternal City and the productive and qualitative strength of an area that can legitimately be called Europe’s agricultural capital. Rome, with its 50,000 cultivated hectares, is the largest agricultural municipality in Europe. But this authoritative business card exhibited by the 47 producers of the Consortium for the Protection of Roma Doc wine (with a total of 305 hectares under vine and a production of 1.8 million bottles in an area that includes the Roman Sabina, the Alban Hills, the Prenestini Hills, part of the Roman countryside and coastal territories, ed.) there is a lack of consideration on the part of restaurateurs, hoteliers and wine merchants in Rome and Latium who, unintentionally, do not give visibility to the area’s wine and continue to propose and recommend wines from other regions, with a better-known name and therefore more commercially placeable. A defect, that of the absence of Roma Doc in the Wine List of most establishments in the capital and Lazio, which the Consortium is determined to remedy.
“We want to make Rome’s wine merchants and restaurateurs proud of the wines of the territory” - was the proclamation of the president of the Roma Doc Consortium, Tullio Galassini, at the presentation in Rome of the “Roma Doc...et” project, which includes a series of activities distributed among culture, promotion and business. “The Roma Doc...et project was born precisely from the fact that we have to grow: Rome has conquered the world, we also want to conquer it with our wines!” remarked President Galassini as he illustrated, together with Vice-President Rossella Macchia, the many initiatives developed by the young Consortium born in 2018, the fifth Consortium for the protection of Lazio’s wine to obtain recognition after those of Frascati, Cesanese del Piglio, Marino and Atina. Rome Municipality’s Councillor for Tourism, Major Events and Sport, Alessandro Onorato, for his part, deplored “the failure of hotels and restaurants to promote the wines of the area”, hoping, instead, that “they will become a showcase for Roma Doc”.
“The Roma Doc...et project”, added the president of the Roma Doc Consortium, “starts from the assumption that our labels will become an indispensable calling card for the city’s restaurants and hotels. A natural union that we have a duty to develop in the best possible way. Rome is and must be the natural commercial reference for our wineries”, Galassini continued, “This obviously does not mean renouncing the promotion of our wines in other scenarios as well, but simply reiterating the fact that the capital represents the logical landing place for all of us. Precisely for this reason, in the coming months, through the Roma Doc...et project, we will work to create a strong liaison between our producers and the Capitoline trade world. Certain that we can count on the contribution of institutions and trade associations, with which we want to set up a working table that will create the conditions for a synergistic operation that can bear fruit”. But the Rome Doc Consortium has been a protagonist in recent months on international stages such as ProWein, Vinitaly, Merano and is scheduled to participate in area events in Italy at VitignoItalia (Naples, May 14 and 15), VinoXRoma (May 24/27), Vinòforum (Rome, June 9 to 19, on the first five evenings), Hortus Vini (June 16/18) and Mare Divino (Ostia, July 8). Then there will be two important initiatives reserved for wine professionals: on June 5, an event reserved for the trade is scheduled in Rome in the beautiful spaces of the roof terrace of the Hotel Flora, on the legendary Via Veneto, and on July 17, Roma Doc labels will be tasted in a special event, realized in collaboration with Fis Sommeliers (Rome Cavalieri).
“All this while keeping alive relations with cultural situations and actively working on education for responsible and conscious drinking”, stressed Rossella Macchia, vice-president of the Consortium, “because “Roma Doc...et” is a wide-ranging project that follows parallel but strongly interconnected paths. It is a discourse that will not end in the coming months but will continue by focusing on issues such as promotion, tourism, business; but also training and attention to sustainability. We are a young consortium but we have every intention and will to pursue our projects with the utmost enthusiasm and professionalism”.
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