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Selected contents targeted to wine professionals: from today WineNews lands on LinkedIn

The profile that enriches the communication mosaic of WineNews, which counts 120,870 followers only on social networks, makes its debut

For 21 years WineNews has been reporting, every day, the world of wine, agriculture, catering and wine tourism, and it has seen its shape, interest and protagonists change. In line with the times and technology, in recent years, WineNews has focused more and more on social channels (reached the quota of 120,870 followers), now important protagonists of communication in wine & food: in addition to the already “old” YouTube and Twitter, with its 21,974 followers, in May 2018 arrived the subscription to Facebook, undisputed king for many years of all social media, which has collected 59,468 followers, followed, in August 2019, by the opening of the Instagram profile, which has 39,387 followers. Now, WineNews’ new challenge is LinkedIn, the platform of “professionals” dedicated to the development of professional contacts and the dissemination of specific content related to the job market.
“For years we have been telling about wine to a variegated audience - underlines WineNews director, Alessandro Regoli - made of wine and food lovers as well as producers, managers, wine shop owners, restaurateurs, e-commerce managers and experts. Starting from today, with our profile on LinkedIn we want to open a new communication channel with this professional audience, even more profiled, with a selection of news, interviews and ad hoc contents, more in line with this specific segment of our audience”.
This is a new piece added to the mosaic of communication and wine storytelling by WineNews.

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