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Solidarity starts in the vineyards and is “driven by bus”. Le Morette hires unemployed drivers

Wine farms and bus rental companies have met to solve the shortage of employees
Paolo Valerio and Fabio Zenato, at the helm of Le Morette

Solidarity starts in the vineyards and “is driven by bus”. The meeting between the Le Morette farm in Peschiera del Garda (which produces Bardolino, Lugana, among others) and the bus and coach rental company Peschiera Viaggi came about because of the need to keep working and to find a solution for the shortage of employees. The result means working distances have been “shortened”. Now, the hands of the drivers, in protective gloves, are no longer holding a steering wheel but a pair of scissors. Marco Cussolotto, owner of Peschiera Viaggi, and his team of 15 drivers, will find employment this season in the vineyards of the wine company led by Fabio and Paolo Zenato.

The employees of Peschiera Viaggi, due to Covid-19, unfortunately, were laid off, and had applied for unemployment benefits starting from May; so, they decided to help out in the vineyards. Following a brief training course, under the guidance of Paolo Zenato, the drivers are now taking care of shoot thinning and canopy management in the vineyard, essential operations in modern quality viticulture. The agreement between the two companies is very important because not only people are not losing their jobs, but it also addresses the issue of the shortage of seasonal workers that is greatly affecting the agricultural sector. And, the collaboration will be renewed until the harvest period, if necessary.

“It is an act of solidarity that came about spontaneously, following a meeting with Marco Cussolotto”, said Fabio Zenato. “They needed to work and we needed help in the vineyard, since the people usually employed at this time are not in Italy. The shortage of seasonal workers is affecting the whole agricultural sector. We addressed this problem by joining forces and working as a team”.

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