Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

The aim of TGI Tuscany Consortium is to involve everyone and protect one of the world’s top brands

The Consortium, led by Cesare Cecchi, revealed its projects at PrimAnteprima, which has already engaged many of the top Regional wine denominations

TGI Tuscany means almost 100 million bottles of wine and a production value close to half a billion euros, produced on 12.500 hectares of vineyards, bottled by more than 1.400 wineries and bottlers. Its desire is to be not “against”, but rather alongside the Region’s great wine names and also to travel a new road. The first goal of the Consortium of Tuscany, which was founded just a few months ago, but has already put together some of the top most important names of the Region’s wines (Antinori, Frescobaldi, Cecchi, Castello Banfi, Mazzei and Masseto, to name a few of the 80 that have already joined the project), as soon as it has fulfilled the requirements for legal recognition as a Consortium, will be, first of all, to protect one of the most famous Italian wine brands.
“The TGI Consortium”, explained Cesare Cecchi during PrimAnteprima in Florence, “was created because we wanted to systematize this geographical indication. We founded the Consortium just over six months ago. Tuscany is a magical word, the notoriety of which only a few truly understand, and this name must be protected. Tuscany is beautiful, and Tuscans are individualists, but we have set ourselves the goal of bringing together wine producers. The Consortium will have to be different as it won’t have the homogeneity of the other DOCs and DOCGs, because the TGI goes from the Apuan Alps to the Tyrrhenian Coast. The diversity is enormous, as it includes bottles of wine priced from 3 euros to 100 euros; therefore, the first thing to do is to protect the name Toscana. Afterwards, we will work on promotion. Plus, we must get to know each other better. I have discovered some extraordinary numbers.
These numbers refer to the Nomisma Wine Monitor survey, presented by the researcher, Evita Gandini. The survey revealed that the TGI Tuscany, which is 75% red wines, has registered +126% increase in exports over the last 10 years. And it also showed that the United States accounts for 33% of exports, while instead Europe absorbs 46% share. Asia represents 6% of the total exported. One of the most interesting figures evaluated was that relating to the perception that producers have regarding the TGI Tuscany wine market. The survey revealed that 65% of producers stated forecasts indicated an increase and a high increase in marketing of TGI Tuscany wines. Concerning, instead, the threats producers fear the most in the short to medium term, they have indicated the possible tariffs from the USA, Brexit, and the economic slowdown in Germany and China.
In other words, it will definitely be another feather in its cap, which will of course find new impetus when the Consortium has obtained the legal requirements that are, “51% production and 35% producers, and of course we are working very hard to involve the largest number of companies possible”, said the Consortium coordinator, Stefano Campatelli.
The geographical indication counts among its ranks some of the most important Tuscan wines, yet, the most amazing thing, stressed Lamberto Frescobaldi, at the helm of one of the top and historic Italian wine companies, such as Marchesi Frescobaldi, is precisely its astonishing value. “TGI wines have always existed. A milestone is Sassicaia 1968, which is a monumental wine, and is now DOC, but was created as a table wine, or there is also Tignanello Antinori, which has done an extraordinary job (also names like Masseto, ed.). Tuscany has extraordinary names, and they are not in contrast with TGI, which has an important role, because there may be territories that do not best express Sangiovese, our main grape. In Tuscany, 87 varieties of grape vines have been registered. Tuscany is so diverse and is able to produce great wines from its many vines. TGI is a “democratic” wine. It has no parachute, and perhaps may have a non-exceptional wine, which, however, is still in a great denomination. The TGI also listens to the territory. For instance, if there is a lot of clay in the soil, Sangiovese produces less, while Merlot is able to produce phenomenal wines, like Cabernet Sauvignon on the sand. We must plant the right vines to produce excellence. To the rest of the world, Tuscany is seen almost as a country, and the Consortium wants to protect this extraordinary value, and also stand by the producers”.
The project appeals to companies, as well as to large cooperatives, as the director of Leonardo Da Vinci wineries, Gianni Zipoli said, “because TGI Tuscany represents an essential part of production, and we must all work to make it grow in quality and value”. The project will have a great future only if it is truly shared, as the Councilor for Agriculture of the Tuscany Region, Marco Remaschi, pointed out, “Tuscany is a great brand, and my hope is that this Consortium really includes everyone, none excluded”.

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