The European Court of Justice warns consumers and producers: “watch the label” because selling and promoting wine for example as “easy to digest” is prohibited by European standards”. European producers are always tempted to influence the choice of consumers by putting health claims on the bottles.
In this particular case, it was a cooperative of wine growers in the Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany), that advertised directly on the bottle "the special protective process of biological de-acidification of their wine” calling it “a light edition, low acidity, easy to digest”.
This indication is far from being irrelevant to the consumer. European judges have recognized that this type of label suggests that wine is absorbed and digested well, implying that the digestive system will not suffer at all or at least very little, even after further consumption.
In addition, the European Court of Justice sentencing indirectly safeguards other quality wines because these labels are misleading and assume that consumption of other wines cause lasting negative effects on the digestive system and consequently, on one’s health.
EU Court sentence says, in no uncertain terms, that EU law prohibits all "health indications" on labeling and advertising of beverages containing more than 1.2% alcohol, therefore also for wine”. The ban is intended to protect consumers’ health.
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