The growth of wine tourism in Italy is braked by significant difficulties in finding and in the fidelity of human resources: 54% of wine companies struggle to find and hold qualified personnel, whilst 35% signal difficulties in motivating and retaining collaborators, due to seasonal work contracts, and limited career perspectives. Moreover, 43% of interviewees identified the management of staff as the main obstacle to the development of the industry: these are the main points of a survey conducted by specialized portal Wine Tourism Hub, which involved hundreds of industry experts. And yet, for wine tourism sector, in the next 5 years, a yearly growth of 12.9% is foreseen, according to Grand View Research data. This is why Wine Tourism Hub launches “Wine Tourism Hub Talent”, the first Italian portal for staff research and selection in wine tourism, which will be operative starting in 2025, and will ease the meet between supply and demand.
From tasting responsible to marketing, from the organizer of events to operative staff, “Wine Tourism Hub Talent” will cover all the professional figures, who are indispensable for the success of wine tourism experiences, with a particular focus on seasonal working positions, fundamental in a sector characterized by peak of activities in specific periods of the year. The system, completely automatized, will allow companies to insert announcements, and accede to a wide database of candidates, filtering the competences basing on their needs. In turn, the candidates, can upload their curriculum vitae, reply to specific announcements, and make their competences visible for possible future researches. Amongst the main characteristics of the portal there are: economical accessibility, with monthly or annual subscriptions at a limited cost, making the portal be within small companies’ and emerging experts’ reach; complete covering, allowing to satisfy every need of labor and competences; and automation, throughout specific filters enabling a rapid and effective selection process.
“With this project, we want to support Italian wine tourism sector during its growth, offering to the companies concrete tools to valorize human resources, and to candidates opportunities to join a booming industry - commented Lavinia Furlani, president of Wine Meridian and co-founder of Wine Tourism Hub - with “Wine Tourism Hub Talent”, companies can finally rely on a dedicated platform to find qualified and motivated personnel, whilst candidates will have access to a dynamic and growing job market. Whether they are young people looking for their first experience, or specialists with consolidated competences, this portal represents a precious resource for those people who want to enter or grow in wine tourism world”, concludes Furlani.
According to the survey carried out between Italian wineries, amongst the difficulties weakening the growth of wine tourism in our country, there are also infrastructural problems, such as roads, and inadequate public means of transports (for 14% of interviewed); limits imposed by bureaucracy, and by the excessive regulations (for 14%), and a total lack of financial incentives for wine tourism industry (for 10%). An other delicate and of the utmost importance theme is that of climatic overheating, on which it is necessary to promptly act. The new portal will offer an integrated and automatized solution to ease the meet between working supply and demand in the wine tourism context.
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