Agriculture is often the symbol of hope and rebirth, as life is born from the earth and is given a new beginning. This is the reasoning behind the many social associations and cooperatives that fight the Mafia mentality through agriculture, saving the lands confiscated from the Mafia to give them new life.
Their commitment is rewarded by the thousands of young people who each year choose to spend part of their summer working on land confiscated from the Mafia, as volunteers, to help the commitment of associations and social cooperatives, with concrete actions. E! State Liberi! is the summer camp organized by Libera, the social cooperative that has been active in the fight against organized crime for years. It is famous because instead of letting the lands remain abandoned, it manages the territories confiscated from the Mafia, keeping them alive by selling the products, which have become a symbol of legality against "material and cultural Mafia".
The goal of E! State Free! is to study the Mafia phenomenon in depth conversing with family members of Mafia victims, institutions and employees of social cooperatives and associations that manage confiscated property. The experience in the fields is divided into three activities: agricultural activities or reclaiming the land, training, and meetings in the territory for intercultural exchanges.
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