A chocolate craze overtaken Italians for some time now – obviously for that of artisan and high quality chocolate. And, now there is even something for both chocolate lovers and wine lovers. Together with the pralines filled with Ben Ryè, the Passito di Pantelleria by Donnafugata, and the pralines filled with Sagrantino di Montefalco Passito by Caprai, there is also the latest arrival, Re-Cioc, the artisan chocolates filled with Recioto di Soave DOCG and a garganega passita grape.
For the Soave Wine Conosrtium, which has closely followed the creation and realization of this chocolate, the goal was to find a strong combination between chcolocate and Recioto di Soave SOCG: the sweet was created by the chocolate makers ChocoAmour in Vicenza, speacialized in choosing the best cacao from around the world to combine with liquors for tastings.
It seems evident at this point that the trend among Italian producers is diversification: as well as being used to create chocolates, wine and grapes have also become the base for great acquavite like those produced by Bonaventura Maschio as well as Barolo di Elio Altare, Sagrantino di Montefalco Arnaldo Caprai, and Passito di Pantelleria Ben Ryè Donnafugata.
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