Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Volcanic Wines of Italy, towards “zoning” with the Italian Geological Society

ViniMilo on Etna, the project launched 10 years ago by Consorzio del Soave is looking to the future via studies, research and a label on bottles
Volcanic Wines of Italy, towards “zoning” with the Italian Geological Society

Ten years after it was launched upon the initiative of the Soave Consortium under the name “Vulcania”, the Volcanic Wines project, which unites the Italian viniculture territories having a volcanic matrix, has entered adolescence. The project has done an excellent job of building a network, from North to South, of relationships between territories and people, like no other in Italy. They are facing the challenge of defining the "perimeter" of wines of the volcanoes more precisely, starting from the geological evidence and then strengthening the collaboration, even perhaps using a brand, among the companies involved (Soave, Campi Flegrei, Colli Euganei, Colli Berici, Etna, Frascati, Gambellara, Lessini Durello, Pitigliano, Orvieto, Tuscia, Vesuvius and Vulture). These wines stimulate great interest and expectations as the presidents of the Consortium of Soave, Sandro Gini, and Etna Doc, Antonio Benanti pointed out recently at “ViniMilo”, on the slopes of Etna. And, now we are looking at a new step of the project, the actual "zoning" of the volcanic territories, to be defined together with the Italian Geological Society (SGI), and a definition of shared rules to be able to put, in the near future, an identifying label on the bottles.

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