Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

You can write the message on the bottle by yourself, like on a blackboard: the “Lambrusco To You” by Ceci 1938

The iconic winery of Lambrusco, pop wine par excellence, relaunched the curious design. “The hands that create, donate, and share are the protagonists”

It made them colorful, dedicated to the joy of living, and with some of the most famous cities in the world, such as New York, and also capable of lighting up and becoming lamps, and so on and so forth. And now Ceci, a Lambrusco brand, one of the most “pop” wines ever - capable of uniting generations, between young people looking for wines that are not too alcoholic and more mature people who over the years have learned to love one of the wines that have always been best-selling in Italy - relaunches with its Lambrusco To You, in an opaque black glass bottle that becomes a real blackboard, an untouched canvas on which is possible to write or draw. With the bottle comes two white chalks and an “eraser”, the typical one made of rolled felt, which transports the generations back to school memories. All of this is protected by metallic copper over the cap that protects the crown cap that closes the bottle.
“With their ability to create, give, and share, the hands become the protagonists of this creation on this bottle. The hands - explains Alessandro Ceci - design and give life to a unique, creative, personalized decoration without setting limits to freedom of expression. A wine that, through the use of chalk and an eraser “like the one of the past”, becomes the bearer of a message, a declaration of love, or a sweet wish. Wine is conceived as a gift full of meaning because everything that is not given is lost.
Another idea of a company that has been in the breach for over 80 years, the Cantine Ceci, born in 1938 on the initiative of Otello Ceci, and experienced a first period of great development in the 1960s at the hands of Otello’s sons, Bruno and Giovanni, which would characterize the following twenty years. Today, Othello’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Alessandro, Maria Paola, Maria Teresa, and Elisa and Chiara, carry on the family history through bold and distinctive choices, challenging the market by bringing inspirations and contaminations from other sectors such as fashion into the winemaking tradition, design, and art. With the foresight and creativity that led the company to “proudly” register the domain that became the company website, in the early 1990s, www.lambrusco.it.

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