Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

East and West united under the sign of wine: Hiroyuki Masuyama to design the La Grola label

The Japanese artists to design the limited edition of the wine from one of the iconic vineyards of Valpolicella that Allegrini has owned for 40 years

Few things can bring together different cultures like wine. Of course, one is at the table enjoying a glass of wine, but not only, because often wine, and a project linked to it, is a tool to bring people, arts and different expertise together. One case is La Grola, the wine of the iconic Valpolicella vineyard, which the Allegrini family has owned for 40 years, and which over the years has seen several limited editions signed by artists such as Milo Manara, Athos Faccincani, Arthur Duff, Wassily Kandinsky, Nazareno Rodrigues Alves and Leonardo Ulian. Now it will become the ambassador to the meeting between the East and the West, and the label will be signed by the Japanese visionary artist (who lives in Germany) Hiroyuki Masuyama, who has narrated the La Grola vineyard observing it and photographing it for 24 consecutive hours, to celebrate the 4 decades that Allegrini has owned it. The result is an image that has softened edges but still distinct. “Time and space are the basic elements in all of Hiroyuki Masuyama’s work”, explained Caterina Mastella Allegrini. “Everything revolves around these two concepts. Masuyama has connected and superimposed the result of hundreds of photographs taken at representative places, from a fixed point of view, which in this case is from one of the most spectacular panoramas in Valpolicella”.
“Wine is a symbol of an encounter, a meeting that means”, explained Marilisa Allegrini, “many things: knowledge, dialogue, exchange, sharing, harmony. The direction of our gaze has reached the East, having the desire to comprehend and understand what happens when Western culture meets Eastern culture. In a world that sometimes seems to us to be divisive, wine represents common values and suggests new commercial relationships, as well as new friendships. We must open our minds. We, who, as wine entrepreneurs, have traveled a lot, we know that there is nothing better than cultural influences to develop individual business, too”.

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