Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

“Valpolicella VR 360”, a virtual tour to discover the land of Amarone

Cantina Negrar has organized the museum to visit the vineyards and wineries of Valpolicella Classica

”Valpolicella VR 360”, is a virtual museum that combines narration and vision, and has been designed for tourists and wine lovers who visit the Veneto area every year in normal times. The Valpolicella Negrar winery has created a virtual tour to help tourists discover the land of Amarone. The project combines the photographic art of Marco Ambrosi, an artist from Verona, with the experience of involving new technologies developed by Ximu.la, a company specializing in the design and creation of virtual and augmented reality experiences. You will be able to experience the tour wearing Oculus 3D viewers equipped with a display that envelops the view and a surround sound system that guarantees the immersive effect of the wearer, occupying the entire visual and sound field. You can access an interactive map through an app, and select various itineraries, choosing from the diverse landscapes of the historic towns of Valpolicella Classica (Negrar, Marano, Fumane, Sant'Ambrogio and San Pietro In Cariano), harvests and visits to the wineries.
“We are happy the Region has recognized that our project is good practice, especially in this moment of general uncertainty. Spreading the value of a legacy established over time gives hope and represents a tangible reference for us, which will help to connect the past with the present and the future”, said Renzo Bighignoli, president of Cantina Valpolicella Negrar. “During this period in which tourist reception activity has been heavily penalized because of the Pandemic, the winery felt the need and desire to plan the near future creatively. And, we created an emotional journey that will guide you to discover Valpolicella Classica, still not very well known for its history, its uniqueness and its beauty”, explained Marina Valenti, project manager for the winery. Valpolicella VR 360 has been designed also to be able to easily identify the historical area of the Amarone production and its geographical boundaries, but above all, its traditional knowledge and practices. “Valpolicella is not only a famous DOC in the wine world, but it is also a very specific place together with its history and its cultural identity”, added Daniele Accordini, CEO and the winery’s winemaker.

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