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The “Atlante delle vigne di Langa”, an immersive and detailed journey in one of the most important territories

The volume, that marked the way of describing wine in Italy, is back, in an updated version by Slow Food Editore, with a preface by Carlo Petrini
The “Atlante delle vigne di Langa” by Slow Food Editore

The “Atlante delle vigne di Langa” (Atlas of the Langa vineyards), a volume that has marked the history of wine publishing and the way of describing wine in Italy, is back in an updated and integrated version (Slow Food Editore, March 2023, pp. 352, cover price 39 euros), 34 years after the idea from which it originated, as testified by Slow Food founder Carlo Petrini. The “Atlante”, which will be available in bookstores and on the Slow Food Editore online store from March 1, is an immersive, detailed, and accurate journey into one of Italy’s most famous oenological territories.
The volume has a new graphic layout, with a preface by Carlo Petrini, and integrated and updated contents (thanks to the Banca d’Alba’s support), but it remains faithful to its previous successful layout: the maps of the great Crus from which they originate, those that have established themselves as wines of global prestige over time, are accompanied by a production overview, an indication of the most important labels for each parcel, and stories of the great personalities of Langa wine, many of whom are no longer with us today.
This vast overview follows the book’s beating heart, its distinguishing feature since its first edition: the testimonies gathered through a series of interviews and meetings with local elders and people who have contributed to the care and flowering of this territory, as well as those who have orally passed down the valuable knowledge on these subdivisions. The result is a fresco that tells the story of a Langa that may or may not exist anymore, but that certainly laid the groundwork for making this territory one of the most important in the world, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. To conclude, there are reports about the wineries, but also taverns and restaurants to visit while in the Langhe.
The great - and alarming - novelty attested in this new edition of the “Atlante” is represented by climate change. A change that, on the one hand, requires winemakers to pay close attention to the issue of vintages and alcohol content, but also causes us to think a lot about grape exposure, optimal altitude for growing the vine, and the characteristics of the same vines. Reasoning, assessments, behavioral changes, and the development of ecological awareness appear to be more necessary and urgent than ever before.
To this day, the “Atlante delle vigne di Langa” is an important piece of historical knowledge of a territory that is required prior to any valorization work.

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