Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)


At almost three years from its founding, the Barilla Academy has become one of the company success stories that have been published by Harvard Business School, the prestigious American academic institution. The Barilla case, which, according to American economists, exemplifies the promotion of Italian gastronomic culture around the world, was recently presented in Boston by Professor David Bell, managing director of Barilla, Gianluigi Zenti, and by vice president, Paolo Barilla. The "business case" follows the conquest and the growth of the pasta market in the United States by Barilla over the past ten years. It analyzes the birth and the development of the “Accademia Barilla” business as a response to the need to safeguard Italian gastronomic culture around the world.

"Accademia Barilla" is among just a few Italian companies that have obtained the publication of a business case by Harvard Business School. "Harvard Business School - explained Zenti - has made available an historical archive with 7,500 business cases from all over the world. To be among the few Italian cases is reason for satisfaction and confirmation of the excellence of our strategy to become one of the symbols of "Made in Italy" in the United States where, among other things, Barilla is the market leader with a quota of 25%".

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