The victory win will remain in the history of sports, and it has been toasted with a wine that has made history, too. It is a perfect equation that calls the National Soccer Champions of Europe and the progenitor of Brunello di Montalcino, Biondi Santi, together. And indeed, in Rome, at the Grand Hotel Parco dei Principi, “home” of the Azzurri team and “retreat” destination of celebrities from the entertainment and sports worlds, there was a bottle of Brunello di Montalcino 2013 from the winery where this great Italian red, champion of wine, like Italian football, was created, right next to the European Football Champions Cup. The Italian team toasted Mr. Mancini, born in the land of Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi, and a true wine lover, as he told WineNews, as well as Nicolò Barella, self-declared wine enthusiast, and the other heroes at Wembley, such as Donnarumma, Bonucci, Chiellini, Chiesa, Locatelli and their teammates. It was an exceptional toast that entered the homes of millions of Italians, during the story of the celebrations aired on “Estate in Diretta” and “Notte Azzurra” (on the Italian TV channel, Rai 1).
It was also a signature toast, merit of Daniele Saladini, director of the Grand Hotel, much loved by footballers, and born in Montalcino, who as we read on the Brunello di Montalcino Consortium blog, “once again he put Brunello in their glasses, an icon of Made in Italy wine and very highly appreciated by the National team players”. “We chose Brunello di Montalcino because we know the Italian National football team loves it”, explained Saladini. “We are delighted”, underlined the president of the Brunello Consortium, Fabrizio Bindocci, “to celebrate such an important victory with a wine such as Brunello, which represents the values of Made in Italy around the world. And, we too raise our glasses to toast Italy”. It was definitely a well-deserved toast, after so many hardships, goals and endless emotions, and it has become the toast to an entire country that the National Soccer Team has made dream again and join in a collective embrace.
The ties between the Azzurri and the Brunello territory do not end here, though. Leonardo Bonucci, one of the stars of the National team and best player in the final game, got married in Montalcino, precisely in Castiglion del Bosco, one of the most prestigious wine resorts in the world, surrounded by the vineyards of the Unesco Heritage Valdorcia. The Azzurri were received by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who congratulated them on this memorable feat. There is also a very strong feeling between Brunello and the Heads of State, from Saragat to Mattarella himself, who, in 2019, gave three bottles of Brunello di Montalcino to the Chinese President, Xi Jinping. “It is an honor for us”, commented the mayor of Montalcino, Silvio Franceschelli, “as there is a bit of our territory in Italy’s victory toasted with our Brunello”. Proud to accompany the triumph of the European Champions.
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