It wasn’t enough to run an American media “giant”: Richard Parsons, Chairman and CEO of AOL Time Warner, has also begun making a great Brunello di Montalcino in recent years. Probably his way to relax after a long day at work (the group manages the likes of Warner Bros, HBO, CNN, Time Inc., New Line Cinema, America on Line), Parsons recently acquired, together with his friends Mario Bollag, the property Tenuta Il Palazzone in Montalcino, which includes 3 hectares of vineyards that produce 4,000 bottles of wine each year.
It was not, in fact, a business investment: “ What I wanted - affirmed Richard Parsons last month in an interview with the journalist Michael Schachner who writes for one of the most important wine magazine in the world, Wine Enthusiast - was a hobby away from my work, which got me involved and excited me. Believe me, we keep most of the wine we produce for ourselves and our friends”. In fact, the Brunello Tenuta Il Palazzone can be found in only a few exclusive restaurants in the U.S..
Parsons notes that he was immediately accepted in Montalcino, without any kind of prejudice whatsoever: in Brunello territory he’s known as Mr.Warner Brothers.
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