Though some in Italy believe that the French model of en primeur sales has reached a dead end because it has never taken off, this does not mean that this type of sale does not have its own validity, which even Italy should still keep in mind. In fact, the general manager of Vino & Finanza, Christian Roger, is certain of this.
The en primeur model could represent a useful driving force for the development of companies, even Italian ones. “It is a form of pre-financing” – explained Roger – “that allows producers to sell important wines less than a year after the harvest and three before they are put on the market. Until now, attempts to imitate en primeur sales in Italy have failed… The en primeur model functions but it is necessary to respect four essential requisites: the organization of tastings on the part of public structures and consortiums, the promotion of fine wines, the fluctuation of prices, which change considerably when there are years that are inferior to others, and the intermediation of those who in France are called negotians, capable of ensuring the acquisition of all productions”.
But en primeur in Italy has another evident limit: the excessive fragmenting of the many small enterprises on the Italian market that possibly penalize the commercial development of the “Made in Italy” name.
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