The food consumption habits of Italians are changing, and in an unexpected way: the acquisition of health, ethnic, luxury and ready-made foods is increasing while the acquisition of basic food products like bread, pasta and milk is at a standstill and even decreasing. These are trends that have been revealed in a report that was recently presented in Milan to COOP leaders (Aldo Soldi, Coop-Anccp president; Enrico Migliavacca, Coop-Ancc vice president; Vincenzo Tassinari, Coop Italia president), the most important large-scale food distributor in Italy.
At the beginning of a season that is set to be difficult due to price hikes for primary goods that are derived from grain and milk, it surprisingly appears to be high-end products that are attracting consumers.
According to the COOP study, it is the ethnic foods sector has grown more than any other, registering a 36% increase. Health foods are also popular, growing by 33%, followed by ready-made foods, up 30%. And luxury food items are also doing well, with champagne and fine wine consumption growing by 20%.
This data is surprising when compared to acquisition trends for basic food products: flour consumption fell by 8.5%, frozen vegetables by 8.2%, white rice, -7.6% and sugar, -6.6%.
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