Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Harvest forecasts, the wine industry combines forces: Uiv, Assenologi and Ismea with a single voice

Goodbye to fluctuating numbers, from the systematization of different skills, more comprehensive statistics at the service of the market
Harvest in the vineyards of Telano, South Tyrol

Goodbye to fluctuating numbers, to the discordant figures, to the partial analyses: the wine supply chain aligns and joins forces and, for the first time, the Vintage Forecasts will be communicated with a single voice, the univocal voice of the Italian Wine Union, Assoenologi and Ismea, which yesterday found the squaring of the circle, to the Ministry of Agriculture, to outline more precisely the production trend of the Italian vineyard, providing Italian companies with fundamental data, and much more precise and precise, in defining policies and actions to be implemented. Thanks to this partnership, explains the Unione Italia Vini (Uiv) led by Ernesto Abbona, one of the subjects that in Italy represent in its own right, each in its own field, a reference for the world of wine, it will be possible to amplify the effectiveness of decades of work used in the improvement of the acquisition of production data and its analysis.

Through the systematization of the different experiences and skills matured by Uiv and Ismea on the one hand and by Assoenologi on the other, it is possible to create a work of monitoring of the grape harvest trend carried out in all the wine-growing areas of the country, bringing to the sector a more complete reading and interpretation of statistics than ever before. Careful and prudent management of the forecast data, continues the UIV, is an essential element for a balanced development of the market at a national and international level, able to ensure stability to the trading and the market itself. For this reason, it is easy to imagine how strategic it is to provide the world of Italian wine with a single forecast estimate of the harvest with a high value of reliability and detail. With estimates that, however, according to WineNews, should arrive in early September, when the situation of the harvest will be fairly defined, weather contingencies permitting.

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