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In the first quarter of 2021, “away from home” wine at -87% compared to 2019. In 2020 at -37%

Tradelab data for Federvini. Sandro Boscaini: “we need new alliances with horeca and tourism to promote the restart”
Federvini: in the first quarter of 2021 “away from home” wine at -87% on 2019

If in 2020 “away from home” wine in Italy lost 37% of its turnover in 2019 (spirits at -41%), between closures and limitations imposed by the pandemic, in the start of 2021 the situation is even bleaker: in the first quarter of 2021 it is estimated a loss of -87% for wine (always compared 2019, the last “normal” year before the pandemic) and -90% for spirits. Data coming from the Tradelab analysis for Federvini, illustrated in the Forum International Horeca Meeting, held today and tomorrow, digitally, signed by Italgrob, the Italian Federation of Horeca Distributors of Confindustria.
“These are data that speak for themselves – underlines Sandro Boscaini, president of Federvini – and the losses recorded by all the channels related to hospitality and sociality, and with the blockage of tourism flows, are not compensated by sales in the large-scale distribution channel nor by the e-commerce channel, although in Italy we found a promising performance: according to Nomisma Wine Monitor data, e-commerce records an increase of 105% in 2020 (compared to 2019) for the purchase of wine. However, the horeca remains the privileged channel, in particular for higher-end products and, in general, for the development of the national and international wine supply chain”.
Looking to the future, the president of Federvini Boscaini underlines the need to build alliances to favor the restart: “in this sense, we are working on a European campaign aimed at raising the awareness of the Commission to better support these sectors that have been among the most penalized by the pandemic. On the national front, on the other hand, we are activating alliances with Federturismo to testify the interconnection between our worlds and enhance the common commitment to start again in safety. The pleasure of travel, the pleasure of a trip motivated by cultural, artistic, landscape, sporting, agri-food interests, we know it is a spring ready to spring. Today it is also necessary to study new formulas in order to better intercept the search for tasting experiences, also as part of a training path. We must work better on the knowledge of products offered for consumption, on the territories they belong to, accompanying the different ways of consumption, from the glass to the bottle”.

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