“The Stock Exchange horizon is getting closer for Italian wine companies and nine wineries already have the requisites necessary to be quoted”. This was recently explained to Anna Clauser of Borsa Italiana Spa in an interview with WineNews.
“For the companies that have good economic margins and projects for growth” – continued Clauser – “a stock quote is now a concrete prospective on the Expandi market”. The Expandi market is a new segment dedicated to smaller enterprises with a capitalization superior to one million euros. “Borsa Italiana has monitored 56 winemaking companies, and about ten of these have the necessary characteristics of prospective growth and a financial equilibrium to enter onto the market immediately”.
Clauser also pointed out how it is “erroneously believed that quotes are not for medium and small sized companies like wineries. New ‘containers’ have been opened deliberately, like that of the Expandi market, where the average of quoted companies is under 50 million euros in earnings. The smallest on the list registered only 14 million euros, but in three years has tripled its size by exploiting the mass of capital that arrived through oversubscription operations. A dimension that is just right for many wineries”.
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