Nutrionalists will be happy to hear that the ideal snack food – fresh fruit – is now available in the Lazio’s regional institutions: automatic distributors are now being installed, complete with organic bananas, apples, pears, and oranges.
“A distributor that confirms our attention to a healthy and correct diet” – explained regional agricultural councilor, Daniela Valentini – “that we are hoping to diffuse with the installation of these machines in schools, hospitals and other public entities”.
So far, the region has installed six machines in high schools and technical institutes reaching a total of 10,000 users.
“Intentions are to soon reach 30,000 users” – continued Valentini – “with the installation of machines at post offices, regional government offices and hospitals in Rome”.
The cost varies from between 50 cents and 1 euro for a choice of organic fruit that is rigorously seasonal.
This initiative is not surprising if it is considered that Lazio counts 2,736 organic producers in its region (taking fifth place at a national level) and 70,000 hectares of organically farmed land (equal to 10% of all of the region’s farmable, compared to 5% for the rest of Italy). It is also the region that boasts the highest consumption of organic goods throughout the country.
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