Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Masseto 2015, Solaia 2015 and Biserno 2015, the “Wine Advocate” set of Super Tuscans

The Wine Advocate Italian correspondent, Monica Larner, to WineNews: “it was impossible not to give them 100 points”
Masseto 2015, Solaia 2015 and Biserno 2015, the “Wine Advocate” set of Super Tuscans

Ornellaia’s 2015 Masseto, Antinori’s 2015 Solaia and Lodovico Antinori’s Biserno 2015 are the trio of aces, or rather, Super Tuscans, revealed by the latest tastings of the “Wine Advocate”. The first two have now joined the “best of the best” having received Robert Parker’s 100/100, while, instead, Lodovico Antinori’s wine is the only one to receive 98/100 in Monica Larner’s tastings. “These wines are the symbol of Italian winemaking abroad”, as the Wine Advocate Italian correspondent explained to WineNews, “and they have the gift of best expressing the brilliance, fullness and exuberance of the vintage. They are very expressive and very Tuscan, and although they are very young, it was impossible not to give them 100 points”.

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