If you are thinking about organizing a dinner based solely on cheese, you should be aware that it is a waste to spend money on fine wine: scientists have discovered that after eating a piece of cheese, no one is capable of distinguishing a good wine from a bad wine.
Researchers at the University of California at Davis had several sommelier taste four different types of wine; and then they had them taste the wines again after trying eight different types of cheese. “They discovered that the cheese cancelled almost all sensations, including the capacity to smell grape aroma and that of the wood from barrels”, wrote the prestigious British magazine “New Scientist”.
And, still according to the magazine, though strong cheeses ruined the capacity to taste more completely than taste sweet cheeses, both largely inhibited taste sensibility. In other words, there is no way to combine cheese with wine.
The reason for this is probably due to the fat contained in cheese which forms a sort of protective sheath over the tongue and mouth, attenuating a wine’s subtle bouquet; or it could be proteins in cheeses that bind with wine, impeding them from activating taste glands.
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