'Salone del Vino'- the biennial appointment organized by Promoter International and one of the most important enological reference points that also knows how to conquer attention on both national and international mass media - returns to Turin (Lingotto Fairs) from 26 to 29 October 2007.
This sixth edition of the Salone del Vino has been entitled "Te Regions of wine -The reasons of wine" and will focus attention on the new segments of the sector. In particular, new organic and biodynamic production will be analyzed, as well as discussing ways to give renewed value to territory through the combination of traditional cooking together with relative wines of origin. Among the most important events that have always characterized the fair, are the forum on grape varietals and autochthonous wines (with the goal of increasing the value of Italian and foreign production by giving an extraordinary and articulated guarantee of the ampelographic patrimony), the presentation of enological guides, and the international workshop "Italian wine and its conquest of new markets", which will allow exhibitors to make contacts through a series of one-on-one encounters directly with the biggest buyers from the most important international markets.
There will also be tastings, conventions, and discussions on the world of wine. Several days, therefore, dedicated entirely to the wine enthusiast, an event of communication and direct relations with the public. The event (which in 2005 had 1,121 exhibitors, occupying a surface area of 38,500 sqm, welcoming 44,333 visitors) consolidates its vocation of privileged observatory, where it evaluates the markets’ movements and confirms which are the most important occasions wine professionals should take advantage of.
"It is thus consolidated" - explained the general director Umberto Benezzoli - "the result of the work that has been accomplished over the years, fruit of an experimental and winning formula, that confronts all of the crucial themes of the sector: from the evolution of the market to the attention to wines of autochthonous varietal origins, from the distribution to the wine-culture link, technical, economic, and cultural questions that will be brought to attention by operators and wine enthusiasts for four intense days". The event will be held simultaneously with "Dolc'è, salone dell'arte dolciaria e del cioccolato" (a fair of confectionary art and chocolate), which will offer interesting opportunities for combinations of enological production with quality sweets production (info: Promoter International, tel. 011/6644330, www.salonedelvino.it ).
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